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Joint Programs


Aug 30, 2023 

Student Exchange Memorandum between

Dalian University of Technology and Nagoya University

Based upon theAgreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Dalian University of Technology and Nagoya Universityof 2016, this Memorandum pertains to the exchange of students.

Both institutions agree to exchange students under the terms set forth below:

1. Exchange students shall remain registered at their home institution, paying that institution’s tuition fees. Exchange students shall be exempt from paying tuition fees (including application and registration fees) at the host institution.

2. The number of exchange students shall not exceed 2(two)per year with the number being calculated in terms of “student semester places”(e.g., one student for one academic year equals two student semester places). The actual number of students to be exchanged each year shall be discussed by both institutions.

3. In principle, the period of exchange shall not exceed oneyear.Upon completion of the term of exchange, exchange students are required to return to their home institution. The approval of both institutions is necessary for any form of extension to the exchange.

4. Exchange students shall be registered at the host institution as non-degree earning students. Credits earned at the host institution by exchange students shall be processed by the home institution in accordance with the regulations of that institution.

5. The home institution shall select candidates for the student exchange. The host institution will make every effort to accommodate a student nominated by thestudent’shome institution.It,however, reserves the right to deny the acceptance of a student, based on its admission standards. Students should be in good health and possess sufficient language ability for the exchange programme to be of benefit to them.

6. Exchange students may exercise whatever rights may be afforded to them under the laws of the hostcountry.They may also exercise the same rights and privileges that are enjoyed by all other

students enrolled at the host institution, if not stipulated otherwise by this memorandum. Both institutions, however, reserve the right to expel or take other appropriate action against exchange students for misconduct in violation of established rules and regulations set forth by the host institution as well as the host country.

7. The host institution reserves the right to have those exchange students return to their home institution who, during the course of the exchange, occasion financial difficulties or who fail to satisfactorily apply themselves to their studies. In this case, respective costs (i.e. for travel, freight, and additional costs arising for example from private contracts concluded by the exchange students in the host country) will be borne by the exchange students themselves.

8. The host institution shall provide orientation, advising and counselling services to assist exchange students in their studies and life abroad in general. Both institutions shall appoint an officer to act as a first point of contact.

9. Materials and information on application and registration for the exchange programme shall be made available to the home institution in advance, and should serve the convenience of participating exchange students.

10. Both institutions undertake to send official transcripts of academic records directly to the exchange students’ home institution, specifying courses studied, evaluation of performance and credits earned at the host institution.

11. Both institutions shall endeavour to secure accommodation (university housing, private apartments, lodgings or home-stay arrangements) for exchange students.

12. Students from both institutions shall take out appropriate health and non-life insurance. Students from Dalian University ofTechnologystudying at Nagoya University are required to pay monthly premiums to the Japan National Health Insurance (JNHI) scheme and purchase Student Personal Liability Insurance, as offered by the Nagoya University Consumers’ Co-operative Association. Nagoya University students studying at Dalian University ofTechnologyare required to purchase necessary health insurance assigned by the University.

13. Exchange students shall be responsible for the payment of housing-related costs, food, medical insurance, medical treatment and all other personal expenses.

14. The host institution shall inform students of all necessary expenses in advance (extra-curricular activities, health insurance premiums etc.).

15. This Memorandum is only applicable to participants in the student exchange programme. It is in no way applicable to the spouses or dependants of exchange students.

16. Any liabilities or legal obligations (personal injuries, damage to property) arising from negligence or non-performance on the part of either institution, shall be resolved within the purview of this Memorandum.

This Memorandum shall be effective from the date of signature. It may be subject to revision by negotiation between the two institutions. It may be terminated by either institution provided that six months’ notice is given, but this will not affect arrangements made for any exchange students already admitted under terms of the Memorandum at the relevant time.



GUO DongmingMatsuo Seiichi


Dalian University of TechnologyNagoya University
