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Recruitment for Foreign Language Teachers

Aug 30, 2023 

Recruitment for Foreign Language Teachers

Employer:School of Foreign Languages, Dalian University of Technology Dalian University of Technology (DUT) is a national key university under

thedirectleadershipof theMinistryofEducation.Itwas established

originally as the School of Engineering of Dalian University in April 1949.

Dalian University was divided in July 1950 and the School of Engineering of Dalian University was reestablished independently as Dalian Institute of

Technology (DIT), which was renamed as Dalian University of Technology in March 1988.

DUT has three campuses (Lingshui, Development Zone and Panjin) in two cities (Dalian and Panjin). It covers a total area of 4.335 million square

meters (1071 acres) with a construction area of 1.424 million square meters (352 acres). DUT has over 3,600 faculty members, including about 2,000

full-time teachers, 600 Ph.D. supervisors, and 600 professors. DUT has

over 34,700 full-time students, including over 3,700 Ph. D. students, 9,600 Master students, 20,700 undergraduates and more than 700 international students.

DUT keeps thecultivationoftalentsas its primarymission and attaches

equal importancetoundergraduateandgraduateprograms.Ithasformedamulti-disciplinary systemwhich focuses onscienceandengineering and

coordinates science, engineering, economics, management, humanities,

law, philosophyandarts.Ithasnow4 nationalkeyprimarydisciplinesand6nationalkey secondary disciplines,27Ph. D.programsintheprimary

disciplines, and 128 Ph.D. programs in the secondary disciplines, 42 Master programs in the primary disciplines and 218 Master programs in the

secondary disciplines, 24 post-doctoral research stations and 77

undergraduate programs, including 23 national special programs.

DUT keeps fostering elites, promoting science and technology, inheriting excellent cultures as its mission, adheres to DUT spirit of “Unity and

Progress, Truth and Innovation”, dedicates itself to the creation, discovery, impart, conservation and application of knowledge, and dares to shoulder

social responsibilities to serve the country and the world.

LocationNo.2,LinggongRd.,Ganjingzi District,Dalian,LiaoningProvince,P.R.China [Dalian Campus]

NO.2 Dagong Road, New District of Liaodong Bay, Panjin City, Liaoning Province. [Panjin Campus]

Job Vacancy:Full-time English Language Teacher

1) 5working daysper week.

2) Two campus-wide lecturespertermforcollege students.

3) No less than oneconsultancyandtrainingpertermonextracurricular activitiesandlanguage contests.

4) Teaching subjects suchasoral English, critical reading,Englishwriting,British/American/Europeanpolitics, history, society&culture, WorldLiteratureandWestern Civilization, etc.

1) 语言要求:以英语为母语

Language Requirement:English as the native language.

2) 国籍:美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰

Nationality:USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

3) 学历要求:具有本科(含)以上学历,所学专业为人文、教育、社科类,或持有ESL,TESOL,TEFL 的申请人优先考虑

Education:Four-year Bachelor’s Degree and above (preferably in humanities, education or social sciences); ESL, TESOL or TEFL holders preferred.

4) 工作经历:至少有两年(含)以上的高校全职教学经历

Work Experience (optional):at least two years’ full-time teaching experience in institutions of higher education.



1) MonthlySalary:10600RMB——15400 RMBbefore taxbased on theeducationbackgroundandworking experience.

2) Optional Accommodation:anon-campusfurnished apartment(80squaremeters;two bedrooms,oneliving room,onekitchenandonebathroom)availablefor eachteacher.(Airconditioner,centralheating system, cableTV, localtelephone, Internet access,refrigerator,washingmachine,waterheater,shower,gas stove,microwave, cabinet, table, chairs, beds,andbeddingsareavailableineachapartment.)The rent(RMB3240 permonth [the rent will be reset based on market prices each August])will bededucted from yourmonthlysalary. Utilities arenotincludedinthe rent.

3) Vacation Allowance: RMB 2200 for fulfillment of a one-year contract.

4) Holidays:4-Week WinterHolidayswithpaymentforaone-year contract;otherpaidChinese holidays.

5) MedicalCare(Insurance):GroupAccidentInsurancewithinChina (for serious injuries,notforoutpatient treatment).Theinsurance premium isincludedin salary.

6) Common Office:Free computers,aprinter andInternet access.Donated reference books available.

1) CV or Resume

2) Color scanofPassport Photo page(passportwithatleastayearofremaining validity)

3) CopyofDegreeDiplomaswith public notarization.

4) CleanBackgroundCertificatewithpublic notarization.(It must be validwithin 6 months of applying for your Working Permit)

5) CopyofTEFL/TESOL/CELTA certificates

6) Lettersofrecommendation respectively from2previousteaching-related institutions (preferably Letters from International Office ofChinese institutionsofhigher education)

7) Physicalexaminationrecord(preferably from designatedpublichospitals recognized bylocalChineseconsulate, completed within6monthsofapplication)

Contact: Xu Mingying, Wang Zihan and Yin Rouxi Email:recruitment_dlut@163.com
